You are currently browsing the daily archive for 26 July 2010.

When people speak of visionaries, they refer to people who dream big and talk big. People with vision usually know what they want to happen. They dream with the end in mind. A visionary will see a whole cathedral while other people will put it together for him.

Usually, visionaries don’t bother with the details–that’s for other people to worry about while he’s left to construct his vision. Usually.

I believe however, that vision is not limited with the broad stroke of a paintbrush. A true genius will know how his masterpiece will look like when it is finished and at every step of the process. He knows what colors to use, and what bases to utilize, whether to paint with oil or with water. He will sketch with a pencil first, and gradually fill the raw outline with minute details. Only a true master will know every excruciating detail that makes a piece whole.

True vision lies in the details. Vision that can be translated to concrete works and not just empty words needs details–knowledge that  can be used as an armory against those who claim otherwise.

According to this news article, most of the congressmen think that President Noy Aquino’s first-ever State Of the Nation Address (SONA) was “dry”, “with no inspiration” “without a vision”, but “direct” and “filled with details”.

I beg to disagree with these congressmen.

P-Noy’s speech had a vision–a very clear one, in fact. It’s thesis was simple: these are the facts that show just how our nation has been raped and plundered by the previous government. These are the problems we face today. These are the problems the current administration will address. These are the problems that will be fixed by the dawn of a new government against corruption.

That, my dears, is a vision.

It’s not an empty promise. He has surrounded himself with the facts upon which he can build a new government. And if he fails to do anything to curb and turn around what the previous administration has done, or God forbid, he does something more, then the people can slap his face with the facts he has presented and ridicule his honor: “These are the numbers you gave us and you have not done anything to change them. You have failed us. Shame on you.”

Also, I think those congressmen are just bitter that as P-Noy said, this will be a time for sacrifices. According to the SONA, a new budget will be drafted based on material and legitimate needs. No more instances of just using last year’s budget with a few additions. Take that, pork barrel.

I hope – I really, really, really hope – that P-Noy comes through with his promises. If he can’t do it, then I don’t know anybody else who can. And if nobody can do it, then our country will die a slow, painful death due to hunger, poverty, rebellion, and corruption.

His words may not have had Barack Obama’s magnetic pull, but they are concrete and well-founded. Years from now, when examples of “exemplary” speeches are needed, then charisma may win over facts. But this speech is more than the words it contains. It heralds the death of corruption that festers on impunity. I have no naive belief that P-Noy can eradicate corruption completely, but I have faith that he will effect the first sparks of change that will turn us around.

Words are powerful; but they are only as powerful as the change they can inspire. And inspiration can come in many forms. Sometimes, mere words are enough. At other times, though, the words are just the beginning and the explanation. That may not be as exciting, but it does not mean that they are less effective catalysts. They hold the promise of concrete change–that’s what’s important.

The Days Go By

July 2010